In a matter of years, the internet dramatically revolutionised the way the world works. Accessing the digital world became the norm and a part of daily activities. The increasing number of people depending on the internet for purchasing essentials, reading or downloading movies or books, updating applications conduct research, read the news, and engage in different kinds of online entertainment can possibly lead to visiting malicious sites and disclosing personal information. Hence, it is important to be mindful when going online. Perform safety measures to ensure that you are away from any fraudulent activities and your sensitive information are not compromised and used against you.
How To Browse Safely On The Internet?
First and foremost, it is ideal to equip yourself with different cyber risks when going into a malicious site, opening or downloading sketchy attachments or disclosing financial data to a random website.
The Threats of Visiting a Malicious Website
- Malware encounters such as viruses and spyware.
- Obtaining your personal data and financial information to steal your identity.
- Experience fraudulent activities from a fake shopping site, banking, charity, social networking, gambling, and among online activities that will involve disclosing sensitive information.
- Copyright infringement when downloading or copying photos, videos, and documents.
- Random exposure to inappropriate contents.

How To Assess The Website’s Legitimacy?
- Check whether the website has contact information, physical address, and other indications of authenticity.
- Check the address of the website and look out for misspelled words, extra numbers or characters, and other malicious signs that the website illegitimate.
- Hover your mouse pointer to see the true destination of the website. At the bottom left corner of your browser, you will see displayed texts of the link where it leads to.
- Check for the padlock icon at the upper left side of your browser. It is projected beside the website’s URL. Also, URLs that start with ‘https://’ is a clear cut indication that the website is legit.
- Observe if the website is asking you uncommon personal information than you expect. These websites will sometimes ask for you login details, passwords, security details, and other data that a legit business does not ask for.
- Do not engage in websites that appeared after clicking a URL with a totally different address. It could sometimes lead you to a fake e-commerce site. Thus check the spelling before exploring, purchasing, and adding personal information.
- Avoid falling into the traps of making advance payments, a fake belief to receive the money you didn’t earn, or recruiting other people to garner profits.
- If you are unsure of the website, do some research first before engaging.
- Beware of sites that project unsolicited emails and sent by someone you don’t know.

What Are Cookies?
Cookies are files on different devices that the website use to acquire and store your information. It helps keep track of your user name, preferences, and online activities that are intended to extend easier and better online experiences. On a different note, malicious sites use cookies to track your browsing habits and target specific advertising on your end.
What To Do To Prevent Cybercriminals Use Your Cookies?
- Make sure that your browser is set to warn you if the website is using cookies.
- Disable cookies if you feel unsafe exploring a certain website.
- Use anti-spyware protection to detect tracker cookies.
- Delete your old cookies so no one will be able to track your past online activities.
At the end of the day, nobody can control your online activities but you. Be mindful when engaging online and check the legitimacy of the website when shopping online. Educate your friends and family about the risks of opening malicious sites to stop fraudulent activities online and discourage cybercriminals. If each and everyone is exploring the digital world with precautions, cybercriminals will never prevail.